Wednesday, May 19, 2010


the book holes is about this boy named Stanley . and his problem is that his family has a curse from his great great grandfather and he is sent to a detention center .its more like a camp for digging holes and Stanley wanted to break the curse so he tries to solve all the clues and mysteries cause he thought that the people where looking for something. along the way he meets these guys named x-ray ,zigzag , magnet , zero but his real name was hector, squid and armpit. so then Stanley escapes and goes to the mountain but then a they come back to dig up the last hole and see if they were lucky and to be true they did they got lucky they found a treasure that said Stanley yelnats but also there was six lizards behind their neck and they were poisones.
and if you want to know what happened read the rest book

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cinco de mayo celebration

cinco de mayo is celebrated in the u.s and mexico or the victory of mexico and the help of ignacio zaragosa he was a hero for mexico he was born in texas but went to school in mexico and military there too and he helped with the war against ther french and he was a hero.we celebarate cinco de mayo with food drinks and music
the music comes from the mariachis and they were these special suits with gliter.
ithink its very cool cause you can spend time with ur family and have fun enjoy tamales or home made tortillas with mole its very goo maybe you could try some
i hope you like celebrating this holiday and the actual indipendence of mexico is november 16th 1962 its like 4th of july in mexico very cool .and south west key through a celebration yesterday it was awesome because for the first time i actually got to see mariachis isnt that great yeah .