Wednesday, April 21, 2010

earth day !!!!!!!!!!

to me earth day is a time of helping the earth by switching energy saving technology like cfl light bulbs or hybrid cars that don't waste that much gas or having car pool. also I'm trying to save energy like turning off the water while brushing my teeth or open a window instead of turning the a.c .I also convinced the owner of my community homes to put a covering on top of the pool instead of waiting for it to go down the drain and putting more water in summer.also I've been doing some community service and also told my friends.I'm starting to use a reusable water bottle and take showers instead of baths I tried composting thing but it didn't work so much the next morning there was maggots every were .so me and my dad started planting flowers and it turned out fun but hard working I'm trying my best to save the earth.if we protect the earth even the little changes we can do it cane turn out to be a huge difference.if eacp a can help so can you

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

things that make me smile :)

:) there are some thing things that make me smile like when someone gets hurt or I see stuff that is hilarious like my friend Juan laughing in a dumb way or my other friends telling jokes .

or when we play my favorite sport soccer at school we laugh because one of us falls down or somebody gets hit with the ball, like one time we were playing soccer it was group A v.s group D and this kid named Juan .z hit the ball with the back of the head and Elias was behind him and hit him in the face it was funny and we were laughing hard well i was on the floor choking on my laughs . but the most thing is that makes me smile is when this girl Delaney says my girlfriends name jasmine either I blush or smile . now my school problems are starting leave I don't have much problems and now I smile more often . and please don't say her name or else I will star smiling I've been smiling for three days already but if you just want to teas me about it don't do it unless I know you or if its OK . :)